To: Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator

Protect Maryland from chemical disasters!

Dear Administrator McCarthy,

Our communities deserve to be safe from dangerous chemical plants, which cause explosions and toxic chemical leaks near schools, homes, and businesses all over America.

In Maryland alone, there are 153 chemical facilities that pose grave risks to our communities. They use or store over 19 million pounds of toxic chemicals every day.

Please make a strong rule requiring chemical plants and refineries to use the safest cost-effective chemicals and technology available to prevent future chemical disasters in our communities.

Why is this important?

More than 100 million Americans live in vulnerability zones that surround dangerous chemical facilities, putting them at risk of explosions, fires, and release of toxic chemicals caused by these facilities.

In Maryland, 974,386 children are at risk of these disasters because they attend school close to an unsafe plant – this is unacceptable.

We can make our communities safer by ensuring that these facilities switch to safer chemicals and technologies that are both available and affordable.