To: Rep. Peter King

Protect Medicare, Medicaid, & SS; End Tax Cuts for Top 2%

Representative Peter King, we urge you to stand up for us and make sure that any fiscal deal will end the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% AND protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits from any cuts. This is what we voted for in November, and we expect you, our elected official, to vote the same way.

Why is this important?

MEDICAID, MEDICARE, and SOCIAL SECURITY did not cause the deficit and should not be part of the "fiscal cliff" negotiations. The poor and the middle class should not have their safety nets and health care slashed because of the excesses of previous administrations and the greed of Wall Street.

There are many ways to decrease the deficit without hurting the poor and the middle class. Congress needs to do the right thing; let the tax cuts on the top 2% expire. Preserve the tax cuts for the 98%. Deal with other budget issues after January 1. The deficit must be addressed in a careful, thoughtful way that doesn't hurt the majority of Americans who can LEAST afford cuts in benefits and higher taxes. We urge Rep. King to reconsider his previous position of opposing the expiration of the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%.
