To: Catherine Nolan (NY-37), John Flanagan (NY-2), and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Protect NY Special Education Regulations in the NY State Budget

Remove the language in the New York State Budget that allows school districts, private schools and BOCES the opportunity to apply for waivers and be exempt from Special Education Regulations.

Why is this important?

Please do not give up on our children in Special Education; they are not a lost cause! Students with Special Needs are being targeted and DISCRIMINATED against as you try and balance your state budget on their backs. The success my daughter, and many other students, have in school is because of these regulations which afford them the opportunity to succeed. I know many students that have graduated High School with the help of an IEP and have gone on to college and are on track to be independent, productive members of society. By striking down the regulations; you will be discriminating against my daughter and telling the students with special needs, in the state of New York, that you do not believe in them.