To: Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA-23)

Protect one man one vote.

The supreme court has on a narrow party line gutted the voting rights act , unleashing corrupt attacks on targeted groups across the country.

This petition calls on Kevin McCarthy to chose justice over corrupt party interest, to support the replacement Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014.

Why is this important?

Many jurisdictions consistently target groups of voters simply because insider privileges are threatened by one man one vote democracy. Even the simplest election made crooked is difficult to entirely reverse. To prevent these free attacks on democracy the voting rights act identified the offending jurisdictions and had them prove first that any tinkering was not going to perpetrate targeted voter exclusion. The supreme court has on a narrow party line removed that protection, and the free attacks are in process in corrupt districts newly unleashed across the country.

This petition calls on Kevin McCarthy to chose justice over corrupt special interest and to stop the devious bigotry now in progress.