It is alarming that more that 80% of our children have been exposed to hardcore graphic pornographic images and all kinds of graphic violence online by the age of 11. What kind of society is ok with this? Once our children see these images they cannot be unseen. Say ENOUGH!, let's tell our elected officials to protect our children from this damaging online content!
Why is this important?
Has your child or has a child you know been exposed to graphic images online? Chances are yes; the stats are shocking, more than 80% of our children have been exposed to graphic pornographic content online by the age of 11. Why are we, as a society, allowing this kind of content to be accessed so easily by so many of our children? It just doesn't make any sense.
Don't let the online pornographers be the ones teaching our children about intimacy. Stand with me and say no! Let's protect our children from this inappropriate and damaging online content!