To: BLM Director Neil Kornze, Dir. of Law Enforcement & Security Salvatore R. Lauro, Policy Director Linda Lance, Juan Palma, Director of BLM in Utah, President Donald Trump, The Utah State House, The Utah State Senate, Governor Gary R. Her...

Protect Our Public Lands for The Public Interest

Don't let nutty vigilantes and corporate-controlled politicians wrest away our public lands. Please stand up to these bullies and political charlatans. Americans' tax dollars have paid to protect our public lands for the public interest, and for future generations. Our watersheds, airsheds, ecosystems and our own health all depend upon these lands remaining unspoiled. Local economies depend especially upon these lands being protected. Home-grown tourism, hospitality and recreation are clean industries that supply thousands of local jobs and invest profits in the local communities rather than in off-shore accounts. Your protection and 'fair-use' policies of these lands serves ALL citizens, and especially those who live and work near them. Please stand firm.

Why is this important?

Americans' tax dollars have paid to protect our public lands for the public interest, and for future generations. Our watersheds, airsheds, ecosystems and our own health all depend upon these lands remaining unspoiled. Local economies depend upon these lands being protected, as well. Home-grown tourism, hospitality and recreation are clean industries that supply thousands of local jobs and invest profits in the local communities instead of off-shore accounts. Protection of our public lands serves ALL citizens, and especially those who live and work near them. Allowing vigilante bullies and corporate-controlled politicians to stir up movements to wrest away these lands from the citizens who have paid to preserve and protect them from being despoiled for profit is NOT in the interests of the people of Utah nor their posterity. Nor is it in the interests of United States citizens whose taxes support these lands, nor the visitors who enjoy their unspoiled beauty, clear skies, clean water, starry nights, as well as the chance to recreate, hunt, fish, explore, and honor the ancients cultures who inhabited them.