To: President Donald Trump
Protect Piers Morgan 1st amendment
I want to petition for the continued allowance of stay and employment to Piers Morgan (CNN anchor) in US soil. He has broken NO laws, and what he is doing is being rather sensitive about these facts: machine guns, automatic weapons with large loads ARE created to kill, they are military weapons and should be banned from legal ownership by civilians (law abiding or not) their sole purpose is to maximize massive damage in the shortest amount of time. While we get a handle on gun law application, consensus on how we want to live, and second amendment meaning, as well as issues of mental health, we should, as passionately as the NRA and others defend the right to bear arms (what kind of arms is the debate, or should be) I want to defend our 1st. amendment right-freedom of speech- as one of the bases for democracy and an American trait. Whether you like him (Piers) or not, if he is deported this will tell the world that we deport those who speak words we do not like. The US does not do we? Thank you.
Why is this important?
Some American Citizens decided to sign on a petition to the White House to deport CNN British anchor Piers Morgan. He has been actively using his airtime to promote gun regulation particular only to semi/full automatic weapons such as the ones used at Sandy Hook Elementary. For this, he has been accused of wanting to prevent American citizens from their second amendment right: the right to bear arms.