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To: San Francisco City decision makers at DBI/Planning, Rec and Park, DPW, and Supervisor Shamann Walton
Protect San Francisco's Palou Phelps Natural Space

The Palou Phelps Natural Space is a rare and precious community resource. Our native, untouched space is being threatened with development: there is a plan to build four 5 storey duplexes that will intrude into the open space. If these condos are built – others will follow – this beautiful hillside will no longer exist. Bulldozers and excavators will carve out the hill to build a road, and the hill will have condos.
Hikers, parents and their children, and others enjoy this natural native space every day. There is nothing else like Palou Phelps anywhere else in our neighborhood. It is an oasis and refuge in an area that is otherwise almost completely concrete and buildings. We deserve parks and natural space just like everyone else.
Rec and Park has the ability to purchase all the land necessary to preserve this open space, but first we need to stop this development.
Hikers, parents and their children, and others enjoy this natural native space every day. There is nothing else like Palou Phelps anywhere else in our neighborhood. It is an oasis and refuge in an area that is otherwise almost completely concrete and buildings. We deserve parks and natural space just like everyone else.
Rec and Park has the ability to purchase all the land necessary to preserve this open space, but first we need to stop this development.
Why is this important?
• Bayview has traditionally been an underserved area. Low-income and nonwhite neighborhoods across SF have less public green space than other areas — about 40 percent less, according to a recent report by the Trust for Public Land.
• The Palou Phelps open space is a frequently used space by neighborhood residents of all ages to exercise and spend time in nature with friends, family and pets.
• It also supports multiple native plant species and serves as an educational natural space, including rare and endangered native species.
• This open space is mostly owned by the City and has the potential to become a significant park (double in size if an illegally fenced off area is opened).
• Rec and Parks would like to purchase the private lots. Building in the middle of this hill would permanently destroy a large portion of the space and what it provides for this underserved neighborhood.
San Francisco Examiner Article: https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/the-battle-over-sfs-palou-phelps-mini-park/article_39dc41d2-bf8b-11ed-bb12-dbad08285de9.html
• The Palou Phelps open space is a frequently used space by neighborhood residents of all ages to exercise and spend time in nature with friends, family and pets.
• It also supports multiple native plant species and serves as an educational natural space, including rare and endangered native species.
• This open space is mostly owned by the City and has the potential to become a significant park (double in size if an illegally fenced off area is opened).
• Rec and Parks would like to purchase the private lots. Building in the middle of this hill would permanently destroy a large portion of the space and what it provides for this underserved neighborhood.
San Francisco Examiner Article: https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/the-battle-over-sfs-palou-phelps-mini-park/article_39dc41d2-bf8b-11ed-bb12-dbad08285de9.html