To: The California State House

Protect Taxpayers: Close the Walmart Loophole

Help end corporate welfare and close the Walmart Loophole by supporting AB 880. Large, low-wage corporations must pay for passing their healthcare costs onto taxpayers.

Why is this important?

As the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) nears final implementation, large, low-wage employers are trying to exploit a loophole. Obamacare requires large companies to provide their workers with healthcare, but if those workers are paid so little that they qualify for Medicaid, taxpayers are stuck with the bill.

Companies like Walmart are already cutting hours and eliminating benefits, so they can make taxpayers pick up the cost of healthcare for their employees.

The solution: Assembly Bill 880 which would penalize companies like Walmart that have workers enrolled in Medi-Cal -- California's version of Medicaid -- instead of covering those workers themselves, as mandated by Obamacare.

