To: Katy Foulkes, East Bay Municipal Utility District Director, Frank Mellon, East Bay Municipal Utility District Director, John Coleman, East Bay Municipal Utility District Director, and Bill Patterson, East Bay Municipal Utility District D...

Protect the Mokelumne River

It's time to protect the Mokelumne River with Wild and Scenic River designation. Please save this River for Everyone by supporting SB 1199.

Why is this important?

The Mokelumne River provides 90 percent of the water for the East Bay. California State Senate Bill 1199, authored by Sen. Loni Hancock, will protect 37 miles of the river from new dams while safeguarding the East Bay's clean Sierra drinking water. It's time to protect the free-flowing sections of this special river and its Native American cultural values, rich history, great scenic beauty and valuable family recreation sites for generations to come.