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To: Congress

Protect the Right to Contraception NOW!

Republicans in the Senate have BLOCKED a bill that would protect the right to use basic birth control, like IUDs, Plan B, and the pill. Sign the petition to demand representatives sign on to a discharge petition that would force Republicans to bring the Right to Contraception Act to a vote in the House THIS YEAR! 

Why is this important?

First, abortion. Then, IVF. Now, conservative lawmakers are putting contraception at risk.

Nearly all voters—Republicans, Democrats, and Independents—support the right to contraception. Millions of people use it to plan their families and manage their health. But instead of protecting this right and enshrining it into law, Republicans in the Senate blocked the Right to Contraception Act.

Every American should have the freedom to use contraception if and when they need it—and the assurance that the government will never take it away from us.

Right now, there’s another path forward. A discharge petition is circulating in the House of Representatives that, if they get enough signatures, would force the Republican majority to bring the Right to Contraception Act to a vote in the House. Sign the petition to urge your representative to support the right to contraception, sign the discharge petition, and fight for our freedom to plan our families and our futures. 



2024-09-21 14:36:49 -0400

50,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached