To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Protect the Vote, Save our Democracy!

Protect the Voting Rights Act for all US Citizens. Hold Congress, Governors and all election officials accountable for any rigged elections, rigged voter machines, political jerrymandering, and all manner of voter suppression efforts. Ensure that every eligible citizen can cast their ballot without unfair waiting times, expense costs or voter suppression restrictions.

Why is this important?

This petition urges President Obama and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to do everything in their power to protect voters’ rights from all manners of voter suppression and election rigging and to ensure that all eligible voters will be allowed to vote and have their votes counted. This petition further calls on the President and the DOJ to ensure that voting machines are not rigged by political hackers, who would try to steal or alter our votes.