To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Protect the Vote, Save our Democracy!

Protect the Voting Rights Act for all US Citizens. Hold Congress, Governors and all election officials accountable for any rigged elections, rigged voter machines, political jerrymandering, and all manner of voter suppression efforts. Ensure that every eligible citizen can cast their ballot without unfair waiting times, expense costs or voter suppression restrictions.

Why is this important?

This petition urges President Obama and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to do everything in their power to protect voters’ rights from all manners of voter suppression and election rigging and to ensure that all eligible voters will be allowed to vote and have their votes counted. This petition further calls on the President and the DOJ to ensure that voting machines are not rigged by political hackers, who would try to steal or alter our votes; as in prior election cycles.
It further calls for the voting machines to be subject to independent auditors who work on behalf of the public interest, not private for profit groups. Finally this petition calls for accountability and severe consequences towards any incidence of “election fraud” voter suppression or voter machine rigging. No officials should be beyond accountability.
With their sweeping victories in the 2010 midterm elections, Republican governors and Republican members of congress have made it their top priority to make our Barak Obama a 1 term president. Contrary to their promise of growing the economy and focusing on jobs; which is why they were elected, they have obstructed every effort by the President to improve the economy and create jobs. Using unprecedented numbers of Partisan filibusters in the Senate and record numbers of partisan obstructions in the House of Representative, they have insured that president Obama get's blamed for Congresses' own created deficits and failures in moving the economy forward. This was all done in a deliberate and blatant effort to make the president fail, so that they could get an election advantage.
Instead of supporting the President’s Job proposals or bipartisan Infrastructure bills, Republicans in congress have caused a near Government shutdown and a down grading of the US credit rating due to their unwillingness to compromise on anything, bringing this nation to the edge of a fiscal cliff.
Instead of focusing on jobs as they promised, they have launched an all out campaign against women's rights, Unions and what was once a bipartisan, private sector driven, health care reform bill. Moreover, Republicans specifically have launched an all out attack on the People's most fundamental right to vote, by implementing broad sweeping laws drafted behind the closed doors of ALEC (American Legislative Council), across numerous swing states with the direct effect of suppressing the Democratic majority’s vote. These unprecedented new laws will dis-enfranchise and restrict voting access to millions of people who will not have the required 'new" credentials & ID's to vote. This will disproportionately affect minority voters, students and the elderly and greatly compromise the integrity of our Democracy and election systems. And all this is happening so blatantly and so close to a national election. Republican election officials are changing the rules every way they can, including thru redistricting, political gerrymandering, shortened voting windows, long voting delays due to huge ballots and all manner of voter suppression tactics. This is occurring in blatant view, all under the name of “protecting” from virtually non-existent voter fraud.
