To: Erie Community College
Protect Toree Walker
Stop the unfair treatment of Erie Community College against Toree Walker. She has been loyal to Erie and now Erie should be loyal to her.
Why is this important?
Toree Walker enrolled with Erie Community College to better herself. Her goal was to receive an education while using her athletic abilities in the process. Now because of a disorganized police filing, as well as erroneous reporting by the Erie Community College this child is being treated as a felon and in jeopardy of losing her athletic scholarship. More than that, my greatest fear is that her self-esteem and desire to want more may be tarnished because of how she has been neglected by school officials.
To these detrimental outcomes we say shame! Shame on the Erie Community College for not doing enough to protect the rights and interests of one of their own students. The happy photograph Toree took with her Erie Community College teammates now has an accompanying mug shot to go along with it. She came to you, Erie, to be an athletic champion for your program, you at least owe it to her to be her defender.
We are writing this letter to express our disdain for how Toree Walker is being treated and are asking that you as a school do more to protect this child’s best interests. I have been in touch with the National Action Network, Inc., and am continuing to build a broad coalition of support. We will continue to build avenues of support for her here locally as well as in the Buffalo area.
To these detrimental outcomes we say shame! Shame on the Erie Community College for not doing enough to protect the rights and interests of one of their own students. The happy photograph Toree took with her Erie Community College teammates now has an accompanying mug shot to go along with it. She came to you, Erie, to be an athletic champion for your program, you at least owe it to her to be her defender.
We are writing this letter to express our disdain for how Toree Walker is being treated and are asking that you as a school do more to protect this child’s best interests. I have been in touch with the National Action Network, Inc., and am continuing to build a broad coalition of support. We will continue to build avenues of support for her here locally as well as in the Buffalo area.