To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
I am a federal employee. Like me, federal employees provide vital services to millions of Americans every day.
We protect our country’s borders, inspect our food, process tax refunds and review Social Security claims.We protect the
environment and shield consumers and investors from financial fraud.
Yet, Congress is currently considering proposals to increase employee contributions and cut retirement benefits by
eliminating the Social Security supplement, which temporarily provides a third of the pension value for those who have
met the age and service requirements to retire before age 62.
I played by the rules that you set and responsibly planned
for my retirement, based on your promise that the benefits that I earned would not be cut after decades of work. Don’t let
middle class workers like me be used as political pawns!
We stand together against this assault on federal workers. Please let us know if you stand with us.
We protect our country’s borders, inspect our food, process tax refunds and review Social Security claims.We protect the
environment and shield consumers and investors from financial fraud.
Yet, Congress is currently considering proposals to increase employee contributions and cut retirement benefits by
eliminating the Social Security supplement, which temporarily provides a third of the pension value for those who have
met the age and service requirements to retire before age 62.
I played by the rules that you set and responsibly planned
for my retirement, based on your promise that the benefits that I earned would not be cut after decades of work. Don’t let
middle class workers like me be used as political pawns!
We stand together against this assault on federal workers. Please let us know if you stand with us.
Why is this important?
Federal employees are depending and have paid into their retirement benefits for most of their careers, pension should not be taken from them!