As Cambridge residents, we respectfully protest the following Cambridge School Committee actions and decisions: 1) Approving budgets that increase Central Office administrative positions in the face of unmet student and family needs at the school level. 2) Violating School Committee policy by allowing the CPS administration to create new professional positions and contract for expensive services without explicit School Committee approval. 3) Reducing the amount of discretionary funds available to school principals. 4) Approving excessive administrative spending on outside consultants.
Why is this important?
School- and classroom-level staffing in the Cambridge Public Schools is inadequate to meet the needs of a student population that is increasing in number, diversity, mobility, and complexity, and there is unequal and inequitable staffing across CPS elementary schools. The result is that too many CPS students are not getting their academic, intellectual, social, emotional, and cultural needs met in our schools, thus reducing their opportunities to learn and to become successful, civically-engaged, and efficacious adults.