To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf
PTCC Elimination of school property taxes
Support HB/SB 76, elimination of school property taxes. 10,000 people lose their homes each year and there are 350,000 foreclosures No one should lose their home. Where do these people go?
Why is this important?
Retirees and senior citizens are struggling to pay their school taxes throughout the Commonwealth. 10,000 people lose their homes and there are 350,000 foreclosures each year. People's golden year are turning to rust; finding that after the mortgage is paid off they don't own their home. The working middle class who want to own a home, a dream that some will never see because they cannot afford to purchase and pay taxes that are out of reach. Think about the Grandma down the street, the sweet older man at your Church or Temple, the widow or widower or your family members. Chances are at least one of these seniors are struggling to pay their taxes or to put food on the table. Where do these people in middle class with children, after the loss of a job or illness go that are evicted ? People of all ages suffer when they fall on hard times through no fault of their won. No man should lose his Castle who has worked up to retirement and dreams of owning a home. If we can send man to the MOON that seemed impossible, but WE Did IT! WE can with HB/SB 76. When you purchase something, pay it off, you own it .You purchase a home, pay the mortgage but you don't own it . You have been paying rent to the government.