To: President Donald Trump, The South Dakota State House, The South Dakota State Senate, Governor Kristi Noem, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Public University for Synthesis of Knowledge
We the people of the United States of America reaffirm and recognize that the Public is the fourth coequal branch of the Federal Government and that the Constitution of the United States is created by the people to sustain and protect and reflect the will of the Public and the Constitution as Republican Democracy in each State and the Union by the exercise of the one person one vote election rights we possess as citizens of the Public. This right to vote literally manifests as the Constitution in the coequal branches of the Executive, Representative and Judicial branches of the Federal government. The people create and allow the Public to exist though the exercise of our rights as citizens as determined by Public consensus by voting and the established Constitution. Thus, in order to form a more equal, transparent and responsive union in such a society, public, private and federal, we the people do proclaim and destine this Charter for the acknowledgment and establishment of the University for the Synthesis and Union of Knowledge of and for the Public by the active consensus of whomever elects to freely participate in governing by learning and growth with empathy, compassion and kindness towards all. I am sure this could be shorter, but it says what it needs to say.
We the people of the United States of America reaffirm and recognize that the Public is the fourth coequal branch of the Federal Government and that the Constitution of the United States is created by the people to sustain and protect and reflect the will of the Public and the Constitution as Republican Democracy in each State and the Union by the exercise of the one person one vote election rights we possess as citizens of the Public. This right to vote literally manifests as the Constitution in the coequal branches of the Executive, Representative and Judicial branches of the Federal government. The people create and allow the Public to exist though the exercise of our rights as citizens as determined by Public consensus by voting and the established Constitution. Thus, in order to form a more equal, transparent and responsive union in such a society, public, private and federal, we the people do proclaim and destine this Charter for the acknowledgment and establishment of the University for the Synthesis and Union of Knowledge of and for the Public by the active consensus of whomever elects to freely participate in governing by learning and growth with empathy, compassion and kindness towards all. I am sure this could be shorter, but it says what it needs to say.
Why is this important?
The Public is the forth coequal branch of the federal government, and it is still unaware of this and how we propose to how to rectify this problem or issue in an active and positive manner for the integration of folks who want to help solve problems with knowledge and sunshine.