To: Publix Corporation
Tell Publix to stop backing NRA candidate who brags about blocking sensible gun laws
Publix must stop funding gun extremists like Adam Putnam who stand in the way of any and all gun reform. No amount of customer service will ever make up for the children whose lives are being taken from us in their schools, churches, theaters and homes.
Why is this important?
Publix grocery stores have thrown massive support to Florida's biggest "NRA Sellout" Florida gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam. They've reportedly given him $670,000 in the last three years.
Putnam's history not only includes attempts to loosen gun regulations in Florida, he's also dangerously anti-immigrant, anti-women's rights, and wants to make it harder for Floridians to vote.
As a mom, I can't let the dollars I spend on our food get used to block sensible gun reform efforts.
Please join us and #BoycottPublix and sign the petition to let them know you want them to stop giving money to politicians who push dangerous policies and block life-saving measures.
Putnam's history not only includes attempts to loosen gun regulations in Florida, he's also dangerously anti-immigrant, anti-women's rights, and wants to make it harder for Floridians to vote.
As a mom, I can't let the dollars I spend on our food get used to block sensible gun reform efforts.
Please join us and #BoycottPublix and sign the petition to let them know you want them to stop giving money to politicians who push dangerous policies and block life-saving measures.