To: Corporate-Citizen Criminals

Punish "Corportate-Citizens" more than Shoplifters

"Corporate-Citizens", having been granted the Super-Citizen status by the Supreme Court, SHALL be held accountable for crimes they commit, instead of the present condition, in which they are subject to punishment far less than shoplifters in many states.
As they have been classified as 'Citizens', by the sitting Supreme Court, the top two levels of management of a 'Citizen-Corporation', and the chain of command to the individual committing the crime, SHALL be punished to the fullest extent of applicable U.S. Code Annotated, and Applicable affected State, County, Municipality, U.S. Native American Organization, U.S. Posession, U.S. Protectorate, and applicable laws of affected countries. This action is needed, to stop, and prevent escallation of 'Corporate-Citizen' crimes.

Why is this important?

"Corporate-Citizens" have committed crimes FAR worse than shoplifting, even killing people, and are not punished even as much as shoplifters. This blatant injustice encourages "Corporate-Citizens" to commit more crimes, as they will NOT be actually punished, and will PROFIT from their crime, even if they are found guilty,or settle without admitting guilt.