To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker

Puppy Doe Bill: Mandatory Sentencing In Massachusetts

Demand for minimum one year sentencing for egregious animal abuse cases in Massachusetts.

Why is this important?

A dog known as Puppy Doe was discovered in Quincy Massachusetts on August 31, 2013 with injuries consistent with long term abuse. Her torturer inflicted knife wounds, burns, broken bones, starvation and also split her tongue. The torture was described as a "medieval" form of torture. The injuries were so significant that Puppy Doe needed to be euthanized. Animal abuse in Massachusetts is a felony with a maximum penalty of five years incarceration. There is no minimum mandatory for egregious cases. Strengthening our existing laws should be a top priority in light of this case. A mandatory minimum of a one year incarceration is needed to get these abusers off the street.
