To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Push for Prevention Against Native American Suicide
Native American suicide rates are alarming and no one is aware of these numbers. To prevent these rates from rising, there must be intervention programs to assist those who are in desperate need. An article written by Allen Salway stated that Pine Ridge, a Native American community, has a suicide rate 150% higher than the nation. With rates this high, early intervention programs are critical to see a decline in these rates and to save Native American lives.
The Native American Suicide Prevention Act of 2019 was introduced into the Senate in February. After being reviewed twice, it was referred to a committee. This bill is critical to implement these intervention programs to save the lives of Native Americans. Help to encourage the implementation of this bill to save the lives of Native Americans by signing this petition.
The Native American Suicide Prevention Act of 2019 was introduced into the Senate in February. After being reviewed twice, it was referred to a committee. This bill is critical to implement these intervention programs to save the lives of Native Americans. Help to encourage the implementation of this bill to save the lives of Native Americans by signing this petition.
Why is this important?
I am starting this petition because I want to make a change in communities around me. If there are suicide rates 150% above the nation's average, that is beyond alarming. I have faced the effects of suicide first hand and it is not an experience I would wish upon everyone. This bill would be so beneficial to the Native American communities who are in desperate need of a helping hand to give them a sense of purpose and support in their lives.