To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Push Renewable Energy and Zero-Emission Vehicles

While accomplishments for renewable energy such as Wind, Solar and EV technology have been milestones in our march to complete energy autonomy, they are still not enough. We need to deliver a clear message to all levels of government that we want MORE - more public solar and wind projects, more tax rebates, more incentives, more government programs to make it financially viable and attractive for individuals to get involved in Green Power production. We need to remove the roadblocks, mainly initial investment price, that continue to make it more profitable to stay hooked up to the fossil fuel economy.

This petition will encourage public education and media spotlight of alternative energy concepts, goals, and purpose. It will also provide clear aims for our energy objectives -
* 200% more rooves covered by solar panels;
* 400% more EV recharging stations in parking lots;
* 400% more placement of alternative energy in the media.
* More affordable EV options on the market.
* Lower prices and provide tax incentives, making it easier for typical American consumers to see Alternatives as a viable option.
* Produce *more* alternative energy vehicles - no more wait-listing for hybrid and all-electric vehicles. We need these options now.
* Education - Inform the public through media and create classroom curriculum on the dangers of climate change and the abuses of the oil economy, and reinforce *why* alternative energy is so important. Dismantle the public perception that clean energy is not "worth it".

Together we can work to power our world on clean, renewable energy!

Why is this important?

Alternative energy is the future, and those of us who know it, do so to the core of our being. As of now, alternative energy devices and vehicles are cost-prohibitive, and there is a dominant public perception that sticking with the fossil fuel economy is a better bet than investing into our renewable energy future. Solar and wind and EV technology are three technological forces that could change the landscape of this culture, the world, and the way they both operate - given the proper popularity and pricing that made them attractive to typical American consumers, they may "take off" and be a viable force to challenging the hegemony of the oil economy.