To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Put a Stop to Daylight Savings Time

Put a stop to the dangerous practice of Daylight Savings Time and its negative consequences.

Why is this important?

We must STOP this ridiculous changing of our clocks twice every year. The costs in terms of serious errors in judgment that lead to myriad accidents involving motor vehicles, medical care, machine-operators, etc. as well as lost productivity (including groggy students) affect all of us and DO NOT justify whatever benefits Daylight Savings Time might offer.

Please contact your State and/or federal legislators and encourage them to bring this issue to their respective legislative Congresses for a vote. If pursued at the federal level, ALL states would be affected by the change. However, individual states can also choose (and some have) to opt-out of this archaic, useless and dangerous practice of Daylight Savings Time and the havoc it wreaks.
