To: YouTube

Put an end to YouTube in deleting tributes to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold

It appears that YouTube has a rule that you cannot upload any videos that involve a more sympathetic view on two boys who indeed needed a lot of help. These boys were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who are known for committing the deadliest attack in an American school.
Prior to the attack, however, the two weren't always monsters as everyone has portrayed them to be. As the "Final Report" stated, they "seemed to be normal, if occasionally troubled, teenagers." There's footage of them just having fun, playing around, laughing, etc. -- YouTube does their best in removing any videos of them, even if it does not show anything related to the school shooting. In fact, from what I've read, users have tried uploading videos of Harris and Klebold, in which the content does not go over YouTube's guidelines - they're just simple tributes, obviously dedicated to those who knew and loved them personally.
While no knowledge or sympathy can be expressed with these two, there are other videos around YouTube that are tributes to much worse criminals, like Osama bin Laden.
Please, YouTube, stop removing videos dedicated to the teenagers who were not always bad people. Yes, they wished and did harm on others, but that does not change that fact that it could have been stopped and they had gotten the help they needed. Just because people have done this does not always mean that they praise them for their act.

Why is this important?

The Columbine High School Massacre is a controversial topic, especially with the two perpretrators who committed it. However, when you read more into it, there is a possibility that you'll sympathize with the criminals, especially since they were just teenagers. However, YouTube does not let you express that sympathy.
