To: Malden City Coucil, Gary Christenson, Mayor of Malden, and Rep. Steven Ultrino (MA-92)
Put Malden on Record For Early Education for All
Every child deserves a fair shot and every child should get the same strong start.
Tens of thousands of kids can't access critical early learning programs and underfunding undermines the quality of the programs we do have. We can do better for our kids.
We support a town resolution in Malden which would put us on record in favor of increasing state investment to improve and expand state programs so that every child in Massachusetts gains access to a high-quality early learning program.
Tens of thousands of kids can't access critical early learning programs and underfunding undermines the quality of the programs we do have. We can do better for our kids.
We support a town resolution in Malden which would put us on record in favor of increasing state investment to improve and expand state programs so that every child in Massachusetts gains access to a high-quality early learning program.
Why is this important?
Massachusetts should lead on education, but when it comes to early education we're falling behind. While states like Oklahoma guarantee a year of public preschool, Massachusetts state spending on early education and care, adjusting for inflation, has declined by 50% since 2001. 1
That's not only wrong; it's short-sighted because we know that for every $1 we spend on early education, we save $7 over time. Recent studies show that kids who attend preschool not only do better in school as they grow older, they're also more likely to go to college and get a good job.
We're launching a new statewide effort to show that it's time to invest in our youngest learners. We're working to get towns like Malden, and other towns across the state, to speak up and pass local resolutions in favor of early education.
It's not fair that some children start kindergarten behind because their parents aren't in a position to pay for their children's early education. This is America, and we're all supposed to get a fair shot.
That's not only wrong; it's short-sighted because we know that for every $1 we spend on early education, we save $7 over time. Recent studies show that kids who attend preschool not only do better in school as they grow older, they're also more likely to go to college and get a good job.
We're launching a new statewide effort to show that it's time to invest in our youngest learners. We're working to get towns like Malden, and other towns across the state, to speak up and pass local resolutions in favor of early education.
It's not fair that some children start kindergarten behind because their parents aren't in a position to pay for their children's early education. This is America, and we're all supposed to get a fair shot.