To: The Mississippi State House, The Mississippi State Senate, and Governor Phil Bryant

Qualified Lawyers for Position of Justice Court Judges

Presently in the State of Mississippi every County and City that has a "Justice Court" anyone can be voted in by the residents of that said County for this Job. Justice Courts have jurisdiction over small claims civil cases involving amounts of $3,500 or less, misdemeanor criminal cases and any traffic offense that occurs outside a municipality. Justice Court judges may conduct bond hearings and preliminary hearings in felony criminal cases and may issue search warrants.
There are 82 Justice Courts with 197 judges. Justice Court judges are the only Mississippi judges elected in partisan races. They serve four-year terms. Paid by the Tax payers. The State of Mississippi is doing the citizens of this State an injustice by allowing inexperienced candidates to run for this Office. Presently those who are voted into this judgeship receives a 2 week crash course to administer the Law to cases that effect peoples lives, in some cases. Irreparable damages are occurring daily through out this State do to the lack of qualifications for this Job. This Petition is to make a minimum qualification of no less than a Barred Passed Lawyer with one year experience working in a court or law office. It is time to say good bye to unqualified Judges that "refuse to get into the Legality of any case"

Why is this important?

This petition will cover every county and state with Mississippi. This is putting only qualified Bar Passed lawyers in our Judicial system starting with every "Justice" Court in the State of Mississippi.
