To: President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Quality Health Care is a human right.

Every person deserves the human dignity of medical care in time of need. Quality Health Care is a Basic Human Right and not a privilege.

Why is this important?

Controlling costs associated with the delivery of health care can save over $400 billion per year equaling more than $4 trillion in ten years.

The financing of health care through the private for profit insurance model has not only failed to deliver care to all, it has escalated associated costs through artificially accelerating administrative costs at every level by raising premiums, imposing restrictive regulations and punitively reducing payments to providers and patients.

Furthermore, the Debt Reduction Committee has an opportunity to expand the most administratively successful health care program in America today, namely, Medicare, to improve it to include areas of health not formerly covered and to reform some aspects to provide immediate cost-savings.

The Debt Reduction Committee should:

1. Expand and improve Medicare for everyone within the next four (4) years

2. Ask Congress to pass a bill declaring with every other developed nation that health care is a basic human right.