To: Sarah Grant, City of Redding Transportation Planner
Quartz Hill Road Corridor Improvement Project
This petition is to support the City of Redding's grant application to Caltrans Active Transportation Program for the Quartz Hill Road Corridor Improvements.
Quartz Hill from approximately Terra Nova to Market Street.
Brief Project Description:
West of Benton, this project would widen road to construct new sidewalk and uphill bike lane and shoulder on the downhill and evaluate a crossing at Snow Lane. East of Benton, it would infill sidewalk gaps, calm traffic with road diet, add bike lanes, add enhanced pedestrian crossings with pedestrian activated flashing beacons, reduce curb radii to reduce speeds on neighborhood roads, reduce the pedestrian crossing distance to and from the neighborhood and the park, and enhance path connections from Quartz Hill to the river trail through the park.
Quartz Hill from approximately Terra Nova to Market Street.
Brief Project Description:
West of Benton, this project would widen road to construct new sidewalk and uphill bike lane and shoulder on the downhill and evaluate a crossing at Snow Lane. East of Benton, it would infill sidewalk gaps, calm traffic with road diet, add bike lanes, add enhanced pedestrian crossings with pedestrian activated flashing beacons, reduce curb radii to reduce speeds on neighborhood roads, reduce the pedestrian crossing distance to and from the neighborhood and the park, and enhance path connections from Quartz Hill to the river trail through the park.
Why is this important?
This is about the freedom to choose how to move safely through our community. This project will make it possible to more safely ride your bike and walk along Quartz Hill Road from the top of the hill to Market Street and promote walking and biking from the neighborhoods to Caldwell Park and the Sacramento River Trail.