To: Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow: Follow John Oliver and back net neutrality!

We're asking our other favorite leftie crusader to follow John Oliver's pro-net neutrality lead: Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

MSNBC has been hands-off about net neutrality, since their parent company is among those fighting to destroy the open Internet as we know it.

But we know Rachel Maddow's on our side thanks to a 2010 interview with Boin Boing's Xeni Jardin, before net neutrality became a household term — and if she speaks out on air, we can add her audience to our supporters!

Why is this important?

When John Oliver went on a 13-minute rant in favor of net neutrality, the Federal Communications Commission was so bogged down by the 45,000 comments that followed that its site shut down.

