To: The Illinois State House and The Illinois State Senate

Workers Deserve A Raise To The Minimum Wage!

I am writing to urge you to support Senate Bill 0068, a bill that raises the minimum wage to $10.65 an hour and pegs the tipped minimum wage at 60% of the overall minimum wage.

Currently, tipped workers earn $4.95 an hour and a staggering weekly median wage of $137.12 throughout the entire state of Illinois. Increasing the overall minimum wage would be good for tipped workers, 63% of whom are working mothers, because it would allow them to provide for their families, prevent them from falling into poverty, and strengthen our state's economy.

All workers have the right to be paid just and sufficient wages that allow them and their families to live safely and comfortably. I urge you to support SB 0068 as a vital step toward justice for all workers.

Why is this important?

Currently, tipped workers in Illinois earn only $4.95 an hour and they haven't seen an increase in their wages in 4 years. These workers are forced to endure poverty, discrimination, wage theft, and exploitation. Increasing the minimum wage for tipped workers is an important step toward economic justice for all workers.

