Schedule a UDO planning committee session for open public comment on the agriculture section of the draft UDO. Work with the planning staff to re-address the proposed zoning language to allow for community gardens, urban farms, and all urban agricultural uses.
Why is this important?
****UPDATE Nov 26**** The City Council has met our petition requests! Public hearing will be scheduled soon! Sign on to show your support for this action by the City Council, and to stay updated as the process unfolds! We need all the support we can pull together!
In the midst of revising its Unified Development Ordinance, Raleigh is about to miss out on the opportunity for progressive zoning that would allow urban agriculture to flourish in all parts of the city. Recommendations for new urban ag rules have been made to the City Council, but the planning process threatens to sweep them aside. Tell the Mayor and the City Council to open a planning session for public comment, so that those who know urban agriculture best can speak up!