To: Ben Sherwood, President, ABC News, George Stephanopoulos, Anchor, THIS WEEK, Deborah Turness, President, NBC News, David Rhodes, President, CBS News, Roger Ailes, President, Fox News, and Jeff Zucker, President, CNN Worldwide

Ralph Reed, leader of a HATE GROUP should not be afforded "equal time" by media outlets.

Ralph Reed, Chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition is the leader of a hate group (which the FBI defines as a group whose "primary purpose is to promote animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belonging to a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization"). As such, he SHOULD NOT BE AFFORDED EQUAL TIME by major media outlets -- ABC News, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, NBC News, CBS News, etc.

Why is this important?

Ralph Reed has a long history of leading hate groups, yet somehow is afforded a seat at the table in serious discussions about civil rights and LGBT issues on major news outlets. Spouting mistruths and calling them facts (that somehow go completely unchecked by on-air personalities) in order to sway the minds of viewers, Reed has a mission to malign the LGBT community and promote animosity and hostility against them. Just this weekend on THIS WEEK, he stated falsely that "the social science is irrefutable" that a child growing up in a home parented by LGBT parents is "9 times more likely to drop out of school and 3 times more likely to grow up addicted to drugs". He also spoke of his organization's work "going into 100,000 churches (TAX EXEMPT CHURCHES) nationwide, conduct voter registration drives and pass out voter guides". Something is amiss and afoul here. This man SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN AIRTIME by major news outlets who claim fairness and a dedication to presenting viewers with facts and truth.
