To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Random Drug and Alcohol Testing for Congress
Congress wants people who are receiving government aid to submit to drug testing. Congress is paid through the government, by we the people. In light of the recent arrest followed by a slap on the wrist of Rep. Trey Radel a system should be put in place where members are randomly drug tested and/or alcohol tested if they are working on the floor. We hire these people and entrust them with very important decisions. We deserve to have a sense of security that these decisions are made with sober minds.
Why is this important?
Tired of the double standard that Congress enjoys. They are so quick to put conditions on people receiving assistance so let's hold them to the same standard. Congress receives government money in the way of a paycheck. Rep Radel had 1/8 of a gram of cocaine when he was arrested and had no consequences to speak of and kept his job. If this happened to a regular person on the street it would not have such a happy ending.