To: President Donald Trump, The Tennessee State House, The Tennessee State Senate, Governor Bill Lee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Raphaelle Richardson And Norman Redwing Just Care Family Network

We gonna fight until the very end without any violence

Why is this important?

My mentor Raphaelle Richardson and Norman Redwing works for Just Care Family Network.They were dismised from there positions. The decision is unfair and untrue. You should be concerned because they are wonderful people that is being treated unfairly and deserves respect. I and 14 other youths are being affected because of the situation we lost our mentor what are we suppose to do. We are diagnosed with mental illnesses and have no one to work with us to get through this mental illness but Mrs. Raphaelle And Mr. Redwing. The Feds are coming to memphis to evaluate just care family network. We need to let our voice be heard.
