To: President Donald Trump
Reschedule Marijuana to CSA Schedule 2
Mr. President: Sign an executive order changing marijuana from a schedule 1 to a schedule 2 substance on the Controlled Substance Act list. Promote research into the medicinal benefits of marijuana and allow it to be controlled and regulated.
Why is this important?
The National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health has published information about Cannabis and Cannabinoids indicating they may have medicinal benefits. Preclinical studies have investigated antitumor activity and shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells. Cannabinoids also show promise in stimulating the appetite, pain relief, reducing nausea and vomiting, and small case studies show that inhaled marijuana had improved mood, improved sense of well being and reduced anxiety. Anecdotal evidence has shown that cannabinoids can help reduce seizures and improve the lives of patients with ALS. It is time to act with an executive order to allow research to move forward and to regulate, control the plant and end the drug money related violence the schedule 1 designation promotes.