To: The United States Senate

RE-VOTE on the UN Treaty to promote accessibility in over 100 countries for persons with disabili...

Tuesday, Dec. 4, was a day of sadness for the U.S. Senate. A vote of 66 was needed to ratify this UN Treaty . It failed by less than 6 votes to be approved. I call for a RE-VOTE by the Senate on this defeated UN Treaty. The Treaty was based on our own ADA, approved in 1991, and signed into law by the first President Bush.

Why is this important?

Tuesday, Dec. 5, was a day of disgrace in the Senate. A small number of Republican senators voted to reject ratification of this Treaty, which was based on our own law, written in 1991 and signed into law by the first President Bush. I call for a re-vote, if such a thing is possible. Even the frail former senator and Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, who appeared in the Senate Chamber to argue on behalf ot theTreaty's passage, was not able to achieve its passage.