To: Sharon Sund

"Ready for Sharon!"

In these tough economic times, Minnesota's Third District deserves a Congressmember who will work tirelessly for our community - a committed, values-driven leader like Sharon Sund.

As a scientist, a businesswoman, a mother and a community leader, Sharon Sund has the proven track record of creating real opportunity for families.
Rep. Erik Paulsen shut down our government, joined rightwing extremists to block jobs legislation, and helped make this the least productive Congress in history.

We need a leader who cares about bringing jobs back. So draft Sharon Sund. If Sharon Sund chooses to run for Congress, I'm standing ready to support her campaign by donating, volunteering, and pitching in.

Yours Truly,
Betty Folliard
Former Minnesota State Representative

Why is this important?

I have seen firsthand the effects of ineffective leadership in Congress. Gridlock hurts us all. We need to draft Sharon Sund because she shares our progressive values and will fight against income inequality.

Go to Caucus on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH at 7 PM. Raise your hand and become a DRAFT SHARON delegate.