To: The California State House and The California State Senate

REAL homeowner foreclosure protection laws

Fix California's foreclosure laws to REQUIRE production of the Note and Deed by bank or mortgage company. Require assignees such as MERS to be actual owner not simply a 'nominee' never having had ownership or possession of either. Almost every other state has ruled possession is required to foreclose and that assignments from those without beneficial interest (MERS) are invalid. California foreclosure laws are in the dark ages, which is why California was hit hardest by foreclosures. It's time to make banks prove they have the right, which they have not had to do under our weak foreclosure laws. Banks own our legislature, it's time for Californians to boot the banks and take back our legislature and demand they PROTECT Californians not the banks.

Why is this important?

Current foreclosure laws in California do NOT require lender to prove they have the Note or Deed to foreclose. Require lenders to prove they have the right to foreclose. New law only covers modification protection, but does nothing requiring ALL assignments be recorded and most are fraudulent via MERS. New law should REQUIRE proof of valid ownership and proof assignee owns both Note and Deed before it can assign it.