We, the people, demand a fair distribution of the income tax burden by the taxation of income from any and every source at the same rates as income from wages and salaries. Furthermore, we also demand that sales taxes be applied not only to consumer purchases, but to any and all purchases, including stocks and equities, futures contracts, derivatives, currency speculation, etc.
Why is this important?
No matter where you live in the U.S., you're invited to sign this petition. ... More and more, the tax burden has been falling to those of us who have to work for a living, and less and less on those who make money on money. The time has not only come, it's long overdue, to tax income from speculative short-term investments, interest and dividends at the same rates as taxes on income from wages & salaries, and to apply a sales tax to all purchases, including stocks, derivatives, currency exchanges, etc., and not just the purchases of lower- and middle-class consumers. ... Wtih your help, we will forward all Vermont signatures to pur state legislature and the governor, and everyone's signature to the Congress and the President. ... Stand up for fair taxes for those who work to earn a living.