To: General Electric, Title or Position (optional)


Expose General Electric for REAL TREASON that cost American lives. The recent news about govt. secrets being exposed is nothing in comparison to what GE has done. In 1947 GE was tried and convicted of colluding with the Nazis before and durring WW II. See the GE-Krupp Conspiracy Trial of 47' on They have kept this burried for over 60 yrs. and the public should know this. EXPOSE THEM !

Why is this important?

I am a Vietnam Veteran and am appaled that GE partnered with the German company Krupp who built the gas chambers and was instrumental in bringing Hitler into power. GE and Krupp monopolized the tungsten carbide (carboloy) market and crippled our factories producing essential war materials severely hurting the war effort, all for PROFIT. The Nazi's had all the tungsten carbide they could use and so did GE but our factories went without. Google GE nazi and learn more.
