To: President Donald Trump

Demand Real Wall Street Accountability

In his State of the Union speech, the President announced a new task force to investigate Wall Street and bailed-out bank mortgage and securities fraud. Tragically, the group is dominated by people with multi-year track records of failing to prosecute Wall Street.

The "new" group includes Lanny Breuer, head of Justice's Criminal Division, Robert Khuzami, the SEC's top enforcer, and Tony West, an AAG on the Mortgage Fraud Working Group. All three have failed to prosecute big Wall Street crooks and have histories that suggest incentives not to.

We, the undersigned, demand the President remove all three and replace them with serious law enforcers like SIGTARP Neil Barofsky and U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. More details @

Why is this important?

President Obama's administration has abjectly failed to prosecute the top Wall Street and bailed-out bankers who devastated our economy with fraud. Now he's claiming to get tough with a new prosecution unit, but it's got the same failed leadership. We need President Obama to get real about prosecuting the people who wrecked our economy.