To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Rebuild Adult Ed: K-12 & Designated Funding Stream / Reconstruir Educación para Adultos: K-12 y ...

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Rebuild Adult Education: Keep the K-12 systems and Provide A Designated Funding Stream

Reconstruir Educación para Adultos: Mantener los sistemas de K-12 y proveer una corriente designada de fondos

Why is this important?

Adult Ed has been serving California for over 150 years, helping parents, the unemployed, seniors, young adults, & immigrants gain the skills they need to contribute to California at full power. In the last five years, it's been cut to the bone. Now Gov. Brown wants to move it to the Community College system, away from the low-cost programs in K-12 systems. The move would cost money. And it would make it harder or impossible for some students to access it. Keep Adult Ed as it - but give it a stable budget (a designated funding stream). Rebuild Adult Education to Rebuild the State. Adult Education Matters!
