To: Gv. Scott Walker of Wisc.
Recall Gov. Walker of Wisc.
Let's get the Democratic party leaders from this country to contribute to Walker's recall campaign. He has many millionaires backing him. The teachers and their proponents are average, middle class citizens that just need good teachers. If all the benefits are minimized good teachers will be hard to find. The average person who cares about good schools will have to sacrifice more to send their children to private or charter schools. These same people are already hurting from our economy. Only the rich would benefit by starting up private schools. All children deserve good schools and they should be public. This is part of our heritage and should be highly valued by all, rich and poor. Otherwise, our country will be sorely hurting in the future if inferior schools with inferior teachers are left to educate our population which will one day run this country.
Why is this important?
Treat teachers with respect. At least, give them a reasonable interval of warning and adjustment before just axing all the benefits they have worked hard to get. The female occupations are especially getting targeted. Next, it will be the nurses.