To: The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, and Governor Doug Ducey

Recall Jan Brewer

I, the undersigned wish to make my voice heard by signing this petition and as a citizen of the state of Arizona, I feel that Jan Brewer, Governor of Arizona is no longer competent in her position and needs to be removed from office as soon as possible. I wish to see Jan Brewer recalled as Governor of the State of Arizona as she has shown that she is more concerned with a political agenda than with the quality of life of poor people in her state.

Why is this important?

Jan Brewer has attempted to make anything in the way of progress in the state of Arizona become an issue that does anything but improve the conditions of life for Arizonans. She is constantly doing something outlandish and recently orchestrated an attack on all disabled and poor people who recieve food stamps in Arizona. When the disabled finally after many years received a much needed cost of living increase, she encouraged the Republicans in the state senate to rewrite the rules for food stamps and taking even more than was increased out of everyone's food stamps. The point is, what good is it for the Federal Government in the form of Social Security to give a cost of living increase if the state is going to take it back out of these poor people's food assistance. This was an attack on the poor and this woman and her henchmen need to be removed from office.