To: The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, and Governor Ralph Northam

Reckless endangerment to motorcycles

Loose leaves and grass clippings on public roadways and highways are slippery and are a danger to motorcycle drivers and riders. People who place leaves and grass clippings on the roads should be charged and penalized for reckless endangerment and disregard of public safety.

Why is this important?

This petition is about making it illegal to dump/blow/mow leaves and grass clippings on roadways and highways. These leaves and grass clippings are slippery and could easily cause a motor vehicle (especially a motorcycle) to slip, skid, and lose control of the vehicle, causing bodily harm to the operator and passengers of the vehicle. The people who place these items on the roadways should be charged and fined for reckless endangerment and disregard of public safety.
