To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Reclaim Democracy for People

We the people, as citizens of the United States of America, hereby urge the United States Congress to amend the United States Constitution to clearly state that:

1. Corporations are not human beings, and only human beings are endowed with Constitutional rights.

2. Contributions and expenditures for political purposes are not constitutionally protected speech. Therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech.

3. Congress and the states shall have the power to regulate contributions and expenditures for campaigns and ballot measures, and to require public disclosure of the sources of such contributions and expenditures.

Why is this important?

Amend the Constitution: END Corporate "Personhood." Money is not speech! We are seeing in the current election cycle the huge amounts of money that is being spent on some elections by corporations. The people have lost their voice!