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To: The Rhode Island State House, The Rhode Island State Senate, and Governor Gina Raimondo

Reclaim Rhode Island

Over the past several decades, Rhode Island has been bought, piece by piece, by non-tax-paying private enterprise under the guise of higher education. This has limited free access to much of the state by it's residence, and has been a major factor in making the state insolvent.

Why is this important?

Private educational institutions have steadily purchased income producing land and turning it into land that
a.)Produces no tax revenue for the state,
b)Provides little or no tax revenue to the City of Providence,
c)Uses costly public services such as police, fire and rescue, that are supported by taxpayers and d)Provides no service to city or state residents.
Their increasing wealth and sprawling expansion is occurring at the expense of local businesses and individual taxpayers, and is eliminating the potential for the state to have a viable economy which attracts private, tax producing businesses and residents.

The petitioners seek to reclaim land, by eminent domain, from colleges and universities as-needed, to turn the land into assets that fund the state's continued growth and make it a viable place to live.



2020-05-21 19:12:48 -0400

10 signatures reached