To: The New Hampshire State House, The New Hampshire State Senate, and Governor Chris Sununu

New Hampshire: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions

The AFT-New Hampshire Board of Directors wants great neighborhood public schools that are safe and welcoming, are fully funded and have teachers who are well-prepared, are well-supported, and have manageable class sizes and time to collaborate. We want our schools to be centers of our communities and ensure that children and families have access to wraparound services to meet their social, emotional and health needs. We want curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing, and that includes art, music and the sciences. We want to put the public back in public education.

The top-down policies of the last decade have not worked. It's clear that austerity, competition, division and hyper-testing have not and will not help our students. Top-down edicts, sanctions and denigrating teachers will not move the needle in the right direction. Our children and our schools deserve better.

The AFT-New Hampshire Board of Directors has taken the pledge to reclaim the promise of public education, and we urge you to sign on to these principles. We need our leaders to stand with us, united around a common vision for our schools.

You can read more about the principles here:

Why is this important?

On Nov. 20, the AFT-New Hampshire Board of Directors met and signed on to the pledge to reclaim public education. On Dec. 9, we're taking action in New Hampshire as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools and took the pledge to reclaim our public schools.

Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing.

