To: County Commissioners, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Reclassification in FERC for Pipelines

There needs to be direct state and local government involvement in siting of larger diameter, high pressure Marcelus Shale gathering pipelines in Class One. The gas pipelines connected to Marcellus Shale that are located in Class One locations need updated regulations.

Why is this important?

New interstate 36" pipelines are sited close to existing structures in Class One of FERC. The Marcellus Shale gas industry destroys our environment and renders the taxpayers property useless. Spectra/ Texas Eastern will install their pipeline next to my house starting in January 2014. There is a history of safety issues with Spectra Energy, in 2011 DOT and PHMSA inspectors sited Spectra for 17 inadequacies in its pipeline safety operations and procedures. Pipeline explosions are becoming more common. Emergency units are not equipped nor trained to handle this type of disaster. The EPA needs to gain a better understanding of emissions and potential risks from the natural gas industry. Harmful pollutants emitted from these pipelines include air toxins such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene;criteria pollutants and ozone precursors such as NOx and VOCs, greenhouse gases such as methane. These pollutants will result in serious health impacts. FERC (Federal Energy Commission) regulates every state. These rules and regulations take advantage of lower income and lower populated areas. This needs to be changed, without your signature the United States elected Officials will keep letting this happen. It must stop and you can help, by signing and sharing this petition.